lcVCS in the LC Forums

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Thu Aug 13 22:59:36 EDT 2015

On 08/13/2015 03:21 AM, Paul Richards wrote:
> + 1 !
> I also think there might be a few more on here that would be willing to contribute to the lcVCS !

I'd also be happy to throw money into this endeavor (Monte - reach out 
to me and let's talk), but...

1. I really think this needs to be integrated as an out-of-the-box 
experience into the IDE's menu, and not as a third-party add-on. Even as 
a plugin, it needs to be officially sanctioned by the mothership or it 
won't have any traction out in the real world. There is no development 
tool I use today that doesn't have git (and github) integration built in 
to an IDE and/or doesn't use a textfile format for all files so that git 
archives everything effortlessly.

2. If this continues to be developed as a third-party plugin and there's 
a parallel effort to develop version control by the team, then this 
whole thing is counter-productive, no matter how good the end product 
turns out to be.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at

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