Jane Austen's peculiarity

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 16:51:34 EDT 2015

On 08/08/15 23:33, Peter M. Brigham wrote:

> Missing an "of" in the two lines above:
>     put line textLine *of* $TEKST into line cookedLine of fld "COOKED" etc
> Don't know if that's the problem.


> Your script logic seems unnecessarily complex. Since it looks as if only the last occurrence is ending up in the output field, instead of using a counter to keep track of the next line in the field, you could just
>     put cr & line textLine of $TEKST after fld "COOKED"
> But once again, loading a line into a field repeatedly will be much slower than putting it into a variable in the repeat loop and then  putting the variable into the field just once when the repeat is done. Getting or putting something from or into a field is much slower than doing the same in a variable, so just do it once.
> Also, I can see no reason to be loading your data into system variables, which is what "$WERBS" etc is defining. The only reason to put something into a variable beginning with "$" is if you want some other system process besides LC to be able to access the data.
> -- Peter

Well, as per your suggestion I did this:

on mouseUp
    put 1 into textLine
    put fld "WERBS" into WERBS
    put fld "TEKST" into TEKST
    repeat until line textLine of TEKST contains "finalSolution666"
       put textLine into fld "KOUNT"
       put 1 into verbLine
       repeat until line verbLine of WERBS is empty
          put line textLine of TEKST into fld "LYNE"
          put line verbLine of WERBS into WERB
          put "were" && WERB into FRAZE
          put FRAZE into fld "FRAZE"
          if line textLine of TEKST contains FRAZE then
             if fld "COOKED" is empty then
                put line textLine of TEKST after fld "COOKED"
                 -- this is here so that line 1 of fld "COOKED" does not 
end up empty
                   put cr & line textLine of TEKST after fld "COOKED"
                   end if
          end if
          add 1 to verbLine
       end repeat
       add 1 to textLine
    end repeat
end mouseUp

but still get only the last value.


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