[OT] A Modern Typeface For Programmers

Paul D. DeRocco pderocco at ix.netcom.com
Tue Sep 23 00:18:16 EDT 2014

> Erik Beugelaar 
> I have always been looking for a useful font for coding.
> Via Twitter I received this link http://input.fontbureau.com and I like 
> to share this information.

Given that code is stored as plain ASCII, which contains no meta-data to
define tab stops the way word processing documents do, a monospace font is
pretty much required if you care about alignment of comments to the right
of the code.

I've not found a font that I like anywhere near as well as Lucida Console,
which comes with Windows (and I've copied it onto my Mac--so sue me). It
looks good, but more important, it has a bare minimum of leading between
the lines, so for a given font size and window size you can see more
lines. Every other mono font I've tried wastes lots of space between
lines. And the sample image of Input Mono looks like no exception.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pderocco at ix.netcom.com 

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