Printing a Sign

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Sun Sep 21 14:59:16 EDT 2014

On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 5:31 AM, Michael Doub <mikedoub at> wrote:

> I need to make a sign that is about 4’ by 3’ and I would like some advice
> for tackling this project.   I was thinking of just printing out the normal
> printer size pages and just taping them together and attaching the pages to
> a large piece of cardboard.

Check and see if the printer driver you have can do this...

make the 'page' that is to be printed the size of the final output and see
what options the printer driver shows. It might allow the content to be
printed on several pages... I've never done this either but this is how I
would start.

I don't know what the limits are on the size of a layout page in Livecode,
but this seems reasonable.

If the printer driver can't deal with it, then you'll have to figure out a
way to take snapshots of the various areas (with overlap) that you then
print one by one.

I'm sure it could be done. But there's probably an app one can buy for less
than a hundred that will do the same thing. How much is your time worth??

this says you can do it in Acrobat reader...

*Stephen Barncard - San Francisco Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words*

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