LC and Apple Watch...

David Simpson dsimpson at
Tue Sep 9 15:24:02 EDT 2014

WatchKit should be straightforward to wrap using the new Widgets/Extensions feature discussed at the conference.

Actually, Kevin’s blog posting gives a nice overview of the process:

There are examples on the USB archive of files from the conference. 

Once this new Widgets/Extensions feature is shipping, there is no reason RunRev has to add all of the features to the platform - and that is part of the beauty of the design.

I think that we can look forward to a future where there are potentially thousands of Widgets and APIs available for our use. And Ben’s discussion of the new IDE features would seem to make searching/installing/updating these features much more seamless than we have ever experienced previously.

David Simpson

On Sep 9, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Stephen MacLean <smaclean at> wrote:

> WatchKit PLEASE!!!!
> Steve MacLean
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