RELEASE 6.7.1-rc-1

Ali Lloyd ali at
Fri Oct 31 11:12:27 EDT 2014

Dear list members,

We're pleased to announce release of LiveCode 6.7.1-rc-1.

*Warning:* this is not a stable release. Please ensure you back up your
stacks before testing them.

*Release Contents*
This release contains 9 bugfixes:

13848 Menu items from popup menu improperly removed
13847 Command keys not working correctly
13842 Yosemite UI: the text colour of highlighted buttons should be white
13829 Change in how formattedRect of chunk is reported
13799 Yosemite UI: default font should be Helvetica Neue
13773 [[Player]] longer delay in sending callbacks
13598 Script editor deletes wrong chars
13350 Export snapshot from rect at size selects the wrong source rectangle
12558 Older versions of LiveCode report a corrupt stack when opening a file
from a newer version

*Known Issues*
The following issues will be fixed for the next release:
- lcidl functions and command declared as tail do not return values on
- Stacks that resize themselves when changing cards have glitches when the
titlebar is clicked
- Images with resizeQuality set to "good" are rendered oddly depending on

We are also working on fixing various issues with command key shortcuts.

The release is available at:

*Release Notes*

Kind Regards,


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