Calculate number of rows in a DataGrid

Terence Heaford t.heaford at
Wed Nov 19 15:11:55 EST 2014

> On 19 Nov 2014, at 19:38, Trevor DeVore <lists at> wrote:
> Ah, so you want to know how many rows could be drawn in the visible area of
> the data grid. This should work:
> put the dgWorkingRect of group "MyDataGrid" into theVisibleRect
> put item 4 of theVisibleRect - item 2 of theVisibleRect into
> theVisibleHeight
> put theVisibleHeight / the dgProps["row height"] of group "MyDataGrid" into
> theNumberOfVisibleRows

Thanks Trevor,

I have modified it slightly by using trunc with the final division to get a whole number of rows.

What is all this for?

I have a table that is using the large data method.

I select the the data from that table and pass it to this, the table in question, that is being used to print a report in table format.

This table is adjusted according to the paper size and I need to display only the data for one page at a time to enable the batch printing process of LC, therefore I need to know the number of whole rows that will fill the paper size, then adjust the height of the DG again.

In addition I adjust the widths of the columns using percentages passed in according to whether the print is landscape or portrait.

It all seems to work quite well and beats creating a reporting stack.

My next step is to add top/bottom margins for titles etc.

The only issue I am having is the artefacts I have reported as a bug when I print preview in OS X Yosemite. The alternate colour row is showing vertical lines in the cells as per this example screen grab <>

All the best and thanks again


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