64 bit Linux standalones?

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 14:01:07 EST 2014

On 14/11/14 18:52, Fraser Gordon wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2014, at 16:48, Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> As, currently, I am running 32 bit Linux I have what may seem a slightly goofy question:
>> Does the standalone builder in the 64 bit version of LiveCode 7 offer the choice of building
>> standalones for 64-bit and/or 32-bit distros?
> It should. In fact, the 32-bit version of LiveCode 7 should also offer that option. The “Linux” tab of the standalone preferences in LiveCode 7 Community should have 3 sub-options for “Linux", "Linux x64" and "Linux ARMv6HF” (the last is for RaspberryPi and is not present in Commercial). If not, please report it as a bug.
> Regards,
> Fraser
> _______________________________________________

Confirmed: 7.0.1 (rc2) on Ubuntu Studio 14.10.


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