Setting the Unicode text of a field from JSON converted to array

Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Tue Nov 11 00:49:39 EST 2014

Can someone enlighten me on the


that appear in the unicode string that is being delivered (by a PHP 
database access lib/api that we post to from this desktop app)

These are obviously two new lines, the break between verses of the 
song... but how do they mix and match with the unicode? Understood 
somehow as "low-level" unicode? If I unescape the whole string... 
(remove all the slashes) I think I need to leave this in... right?

> On 10 Nov 2014, at 10:26 pm, Peter W A Wood<peterwawood at>  wrote:
>> >  That is unless mergJSON “de-escapes" the JSON for you.
> It should but Brahmanathaswami wasn't using it. mergJSON handles UTF8 though so there's no need to have all the escapes. The only char it doesn't like is null.
> Cheers
> Monte

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