Setting the Unicode text of a field from JSON converted to array

Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Mon Nov 10 12:54:00 EST 2014

Do we need to remove char the "/" before processing? I guess I'll just 
try it.

But there are these end of line/return strings in the middle of 
everything, that represent two line breaks. I use block paragraph 
formatting where all paragraphs or verses are separated by one blank 
line... these appear as


in the JSON and with unicode before and after... are they understood but 
all these unicode functions (LC's, MergJson) etc... ?


I've got mergJSON and will test that...

Swasti Astu, Be Well!

Kauai's Hindu Monastery

Peter W A Wood wrote:
> You need to process the JSON data before putting it into a string. As far as I know,LiveCode recognises “\u0ba9” as a string containing 6 characters. You need to process that to change it to the single character numToCodepoint(0x0ba9) or it’s preLiveCode 7 alternative. (The \, u, 0, b, a, and 9 will be UTF-8 encoded though.)
> That is unless mergJSON “de-escapes" the JSON for you.
> Regards
> Peter

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