Run a command line app from memory

Andrew Kluthe andrew at
Sat May 3 23:24:33 EDT 2014

Good point Richard. I never thought of it like that. Hmmm, I'll have to
look into that. How I'm doing it now is how you've described it but I was
asked if I could come up with a way to do this without adding any new files
to disk on the fly and not need admin rights to facilitate this. It was
written as a c program for the raw performance boost otherwise doing it all
in LiveCode is a perfect option. I know we can use in memory SQLlite dB's
and some other things but I imagine runrev had to do some work on the
backside to make that happen. Anyhow, ill keep exploring my alternatives.
Thanks for the suggestions.

On May 3, 2014 9:46 PM, "Richard Gaskin" <ambassador at> wrote:

> Andrew Kluthe wrote:
> > I have the need to run a command line utility from LiveCode without
> > writing it to disk. Ideally I would like to store it in a custom
> > property and find a way to run it in memory without ever writing it
> > to a disk. Is this at all possible using only LiveCode?
> If I understand this correctly, it's not LiveCode that'll be running the
> program, but Windows; LiveCode is simply initiating the execution.
> Can Windows run programs that exist only in the memory space of another
> application?
> I don't know the answer to that, but kinda I hope not, since intuitively
> it seems like a potential security hole.
> Can you write the program file to temp and launch it from there?
> Or rewrite its functionality in script?
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Systems
>  Software Design and Development for Desktop, Mobile, and Web
>  ____________________________________________________________
>  Ambassador at
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