Sending mail (invisibly) from inside a Mac LC app

Richard Miller wow at
Fri Mar 28 22:33:44 EDT 2014

This solution looks promising. Used the following as an applescript. 
Worked perfectly. Just requires that each Mac have a working version of 
Mail installed.


set recipientName to "Richard"
set recipientAddress to "rdmiller at"
set theSubject to "Type your subject here!"
set theContent to "Type your message content here!"

tell application "Mail"

         ##Create the message
         set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties 
{subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true}

         ##Set a recipient
         tell theMessage
                 make new to recipient with properties 
{name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress}

                 ##Send the Message

         end tell
end tell

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