Best approach to introduce students in programing to LC ?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Jun 10 14:51:35 EDT 2014

jbv wrote:

 > Starting next september I might have the opportunity to give
 > a few hours of teaching at the local technology institute
 > for students in their 1st and 2nd year of learning techniques
 > of internet, multimedia and programming.
 > Of course the first idea that crossed my mind was to introduce
 > them to LC, as a recent discussion with some of their teachers
 > showed clearly that almost nobody there was aware of it, and
 > those who knew about LC haven't found the time to test it...
 > I might be wrong, but the best / most attractive approach seems
 > to be "code once deploy many"...
 > Do you guys have some suggestions about what the main
 > chapters of such a teaching should be ?
 > I'll also try to find the time to search the archives, as I'm
 > sure that topic has already been discussed...

Email lists are good for many things, but preserving conversational 
threads isn't one of them.

Google doesn't bother indexing everything that happens here, so I've 
found GMane a better list archive search:

But this may be a case where the forums can be useful, with categorized 
conversations that include a section on LiveCode in Education, and a 
topic devoted exclusively to Teaching with LiveCode:

Every person I know who teaches and knows LiveCode readily grasps LC's 
relevance for a beginner's CS curriculum.  Squeak is outgrown too 
quickly, and Java takes too long before it becomes fun.  LC is the 
perfect fit in between - hopefully we can get some empowering exchanges 
happening in the LC EDU community to make this happen more now that LC 
is free and open.

  Richard Gaskin
  LiveCode Community Manager
  richard at

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