Quitting with the close box on Mac

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri Jun 6 17:32:23 EDT 2014

I agree Stephen.

Sometimes software companies make changes because they, “have to do something!” I don’t think that is a good reason for changing anything. Look at Microsoft! Every three years on EVERY SOFTWARE PRODUCT THEY SELL, they HAVE to produce a major upgrade, or risk pissing off millions of people who bought Software Assurance contracts. But what if the last version was as good as it ever was or could ever be? Why, then you are going to get a downgrade. Period. I liked Office XP better than anything they have since produced. Why did we need ribbons again? And where in the HELL is my damned page setup???

Bob S

On May 28, 2014, at 24:43 , stephen barncard <stephenREVOLUTION2 at barncard.com<mailto:stephenREVOLUTION2 at barncard.com>> wrote:

unnecessary annoyance. But I have to admit, that after watching new users
play with these features, they ARE easier to learn - all the confusion
about when to use ‘Save/Save as…’ is gone, and they find using Duplicate
and Revert quite intuitive, requiring a lot less explanation.

Sorry, I don't buy that.  The changes just require more stupid clicking
than needed to do what was easy before.  I can take care of my own file
management, thank you, and I hate this intrusion into my workflow and an OS
that anticipates how I work. This dumbing down crap should be optional, not
forced on us.

*Stephen Barncard - San Francisco Ca. USA - Deeds Not Words*

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