RevOnline & User Comments in the Dictionary

Peter M. Brigham pmbrig at
Sun Jul 27 15:33:09 EDT 2014

On Jul 27, 2014, at 2:17 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

> Whoops, pressed send too soon.
> How can I get this version to you/the list?
> Also, I think your array may need to have an extra level of key for the
> entry type (command, property, etc) since there are multiple entries in the
> dictionary for the same term in some cases (e.g hilite is a command and a
> property)

OK, I implemented your suggestions and the updated stack is still at the same location (I'm not re-versioning as I go, just to keep the download URL the same):

- HTMLtext of notes are stored
- type and term are stored
- index of all notes available via a popup list on shift-clicking the user note "button"

and as a result, popChoose is now back as a built-in bonus.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

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