New England area (US) user group?

Paul Dupuis paul at
Tue Feb 11 13:02:52 EST 2014

New England area (USA) LiveCode User Group

A number of regional informal LiveCode users groups have been formed
over the years that remain active today.

With the very increasing robustness of LiveCode and the many platforms
it support, sharing information, tips, techniques, and methods is more
helpful than ever.

In that spirit, I am reaching our to the LiveCode community for members
in the New England area of the United States to see if there is interest
in gathering for a periodic regional LiveCode user group?

I would be happy to arrange for space for an initial meeting. If you are
interested in participating, please contact me at paul at
with where you are located, any day and time constraints, and whether
you want to listen or have something you would like to talk about.

Paul Dupuis

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