Looking for Json.lc

Matthias Rebbe | M-R-D matthias_livecode_150811 at m-r-d.de
Tue Dec 30 03:40:28 EST 2014


the file is still there. At least at Splash21.com. John Craig renamed the file to json.lcx because lcServer is running on that server and therefore .lc files cannot be downloaded from it.

You can find the file here http://splash21.com/info/json.lcx



> Am 30.12.2014 um 01:45 schrieb Stallibrass <kevin at stallibrass.com>:
> I've got notification to iOS devices up and running from Livecode on a Mac but need to make it run from Livecode server. The posts I've read here and elsewhere on the web all refer to the inclusion of Json.lc but unfortunately all links I've been able to find are inactive. Anyone know where I can find a copy?
> Regards
> Kevin Stallibrass
> Sent from my iPad
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