How to tell when IDE is done loading

Michael Doub mikedoub at
Wed Dec 24 12:57:40 EST 2014

I have tried that but I need to process the resumeStack message which 
seems to get called as part of the startup process.   I guess I have to 
manually set a global flag and have the timed handler unblock the 
flag.   What is the very first handler that an application can process?  

Is there an ordered list of messages that are fired for startup and 
opening a stack?  Opening a card would be useful too.   I can't say that 
I have ever seen this anywhere in the documentation.   Is this derivable 


On 12/23/14 11:09 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 12/23/2014 2:44 PM, Michael Doub wrote:
>> How can you tell when the IDE is done loading?   I am trying to figure
>> out how to have the initialization of my app happen _after_ all of the
>> IDE stacks have loaded.  When my stack is double clicked from the
>> desktop, my initialization code calls revloadedStacks() before the IDE
>> has loaded it and I am getting an execution error.
> I usually just put in a "send myHandler to me in 1 second" command in 
> an openStack handler on the first card. Then "myHandler" does whatever 
> needs doing. One second seems like enough time usually.

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