Backdrop in in 6.7.0 dp2 under Lubuntu Linux 13.10

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Sat Apr 26 03:15:24 EDT 2014

On 26/04/14 06:23, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> Read this report:
> Backdrop is not displayed on Linux
> LiveCode 6.7.0 dp2, displays a black backdrop under
> Lubuntu Linux 13.10.
> but LiveCode turns very unstable while displaying
> this backdrop...
> After turning off this backdrop, LiveCode works fine.
> Could you please test this in your own Linux version?
> Thanks in advance!
> Al


Ubuntu Studio 14.04 (XFCE Window manager).

On setting the backdrop (black), the revTools palette disappears;

then, on setting up a new Mainstack that also is not visible,

straight after that the revMenubar stack also disappeared,

I said a few coarse word, then everything reappeared; clicked
on the revMenubar to Exit and the revTools palette and the
Untitled stack disappeared again.

Not good.

Mind you: I have never used a backdrop.


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