webP, VP8, Skia and LiveCode

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Fri Apr 18 04:41:43 EDT 2014

On 18/04/14 03:47, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> on Oct 04, 2010,
> Richmmond wrote:
> http://code.google.com/speed/webp/download.html
> Is this just Google trying to extend its imperialistic influence
> even further, or is this s serious competitor up against
> PNG and GIF?
> Is RunRev/LiveCode going to be able to import and export WebP
> in a future recension?
> http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/OT-is-WebP-going-anywhere-and-if-it-is-how-will-LiveCode-cope-with-it-td2954594.html
> Hi All,
> After reading a lot about Hypermedia, Multimedia and Multi-platform
> development, I found myself thinking about font metrics and
> image formats. Each one of us have found these issues in
> the most unexpected moment: text that is too large or too
> small for it's container... images too light or too dark.
> Then, I though, Why not use high resolution png (300 dpi)
> instead of fields with text?
> File size. Compressed png file size. That would be
> a big problem.
> Eventually, I found this article that actually recommends to use webP:
> http://mainroach.blogspot.com/2013/09/png-compression-5-simple-improvements.html
> and the next logical though is:
> Given that Skia is supported by Google, just like VP8 and webP...
> How long would take for RunRev to add support for both
> image and video file formats in LiveCode?
> If there is an open debate, I vote YES to include both open
> source formats among the media used inside LiveCode stacks.
> Al

I would vote YES for as many open source formats as is possible to be 
rolled into

As an awful lot of work has been done by the "open Source Community" 
[which is a slightly unfortunate
phrase, as it gives an overly optimistic view of a community], and it 
would seem churlish not to
take everything that is on offer that can extend the capabilities of 


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