Do statement as "Applescript" in caller ?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sun Apr 13 20:34:35 EDT 2014

Hi Serge,

First of all, I don't think that the in caller clause makes much of a 
different if you execute AppleScript syntax. It is probably meant to 
alter the executionContext when you execute LiveCode syntax. You can see 
examples of the grammar used to write this clause, if you execute the 
following in the message box:

put the executionContexts

If you write a reference to a handler in the form displayed in the 
message box after execution above code, then you should be able to 
change the executionContext during executing the do command. E.g.

put "button id 1014 of card id 1002 of stack" && quote & "C:/Program 
Files (x86)/My App/My Stack.rev" & quote & comma & "moueUp,12" \
   into myContext
do "beep" in myContext // without "as"

I'm not entirely sure about this, because I can't find any 
documentation. This is my best guess for now.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 4/13/2014 18:02, Serge Brami wrote:
> hello
> somebody knows what means the [caller] param in the command   Do  statement as "Applescript"  in caller
> There is not any  example   in the livecode dictionnary
> Is it the name of the handler where  the command is in ? I have tried but doesnt work
> I ask because statements as  :  do anything as Applescript  doesnt work on Livecode 6.6 and Maverick
> Any Idea ?
> Thanks

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