What are the best programming fonts?

Paul D. DeRocco pderocco at ix.netcom.com
Tue Sep 10 15:58:56 EDT 2013

> From: Mark Wieder
> Slant has a post comparing different monospace fonts for coding.
> Source Code Pro, of course, comes out in front, but it's followed very
> closely by Consolas, which I'd never heard of, and then several
> others, similar but different. I've used Source Code Pro as my default
> font since it was released, and it looks great in the LiveCode script
> editor and in glx2.
> http://www.slant.co/topics/67/~what-are-the-best-programming-fonts

I downloaded and tried most of them, and didn't like any as much as Lucida
Console, for one reason: Lucida Console has no excess vertical padding, so
even with fairly large characters, you get more lines of text in a
particular window size than with the others. If I knew how to edit that
parameter in fonts, I might consider Source Code Pro.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pderocco at ix.netcom.com 

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