How to Abort Stepping through a Script with a Single Keystroke

Ray ray at
Mon Nov 18 09:26:23 EST 2013

I've got a numeric keypad I'm trying to set up to assist in stepping 
through scripts.  I've successfully set up single key strokes which Step 
Over and Step Into.  That was easy since those shortcuts are just one 
key in the script editor window.

Creating a single keystroke for the Stop menu item under the script 
editor's debug menu is a little harder since its short cut is the 
combination of shift and F5 (on Windows).  I've tried the following with 
no results:
    on rawKeyDown whichKey
       if whichKey = [myFavoritKey] then type "F5" with 
shiftKey          -- no result
       if whichKey = [myFavoritKey] then type "." with commandKey -- 
also no result
       if whichKey = [myFavoritKey] then close stack "revNewScriptEditor 
1"      -- bad results
   end rawKeyDown

The last one of these, above, closes the script editor window and it 
doesn't come back, forcing me to reinstall LiveCode.

Anybody know where I could accomplish this by somehow editing the 
"revBackScript" button in RevLibrary?


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Software

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