Graphic effects parms

Peter Haworth pete at
Tue May 21 13:30:57 EDT 2013

There are a couple of graphic effects parms in the Inspector that aren't
documented in the dictionary.

The dropShadow effect has a "knockout" parm which is a checkbox in the IDE
inspector.  The innerGlow effect has a "source" parm which is an option
menu in the IDE inspector but always seems to be disabled.  Looking at the
array for innerGlow, it has a value of "edge"

Any clues as to what these mystery parms might be?

I'm also having problems with the Inspecotr Graphic Effects tab in that the
parameters for all the effects except dropshadow are always disabled, even
though the effect is applied.  A good reason to use Scott's recent
tmEffects palette I guess!

lcSQL Software <>

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