Dictionary Server nonsense.

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Mon May 20 07:31:21 EDT 2013

Hi Richmond,

I think this is only for downloading user comments.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 20 mei 2013, at 13:23, Richmond wrote:

> The whole thing with the "Dictionary Server Error" does
> not seem to make much sense as, as far as I understand,
> all the documentation files are stored locally.
> For instance, on my Linux Main Box they are stored here:
> /home/jrm/.runrev/components/livecodecommunity-6.0.1-rc-1/Documentation/
> and there are all sorts of "exciting things" there such as the PDF user guide"
> "This document is revision 19 (2010.11.09)."
> This did not stop LC 6.0.1 installed on a computer that had
> no internet connexion from giving me that daft message.
> Richmond.

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