Best Practice for Storing Icon Images

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri May 10 23:55:37 EDT 2013

On 5/10/13 7:47 PM, Roger Guay wrote:
> Is there a best practice or recommendation for storing icon images?
> Invisible on the same card? Off screen on the same card? Special
> "storage" card? Or…

I think it depends on the app or stack you're making. If I only have a 
few icon images, I usually just hide them on a card. If I have a lot and 
I want to keep them all in a central location in the same stack, I 
sometimes use an unplaced group. Substacks are a good option too, since 
you can always see what's in there without having to fiddle with 
invisible groups. If navigation isn't an issue and an extra card won't 
get in the way, I sometimes just put a resources card in the back of the 
stack somewhere. In my current project we're using a splash stack for 
the app and it loads a lot of other document stacks. Since all the 
"loose" stacks use the same icons, I'm storing them all in the splash.

Memory usage will be the same regardless, so it mostly depends on how 
your stack structure works.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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