Context Menus - the look of the thing

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Thu May 9 15:54:23 EDT 2013


I seem to have fallen foul of the description of menus in the LC docs. What I want is a single 'mouseDown' handler in my mainstack that checks if the right mouse button had been pressed in an editable field and then provides Edit-menu type services to that field (the target). Could I use a button menu for that? I couldn't understand from the docs if I could or not (I could not work out if each field would need its own button), so I started exploring stack menus, which I've never used in quite a long LC coding career. Very happy to be advised, as ever.


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On 9 May 2013, at 19:02, "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at> wrote:

> On 5/9/13 3:32 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:
>> PS - the LC docs tell one to set the individual buttons' autoArm and
>> armBorder properties to true. I had to do this with the LC Message
>> Box because I couldn't find these properties in any other way. I
>> naively thought that in LC 6.0.1 you can reveal (and therefore set)
>> all properties of an object. Was I wrong?
> Use a popup menu button instead, it's all automatic then. The only reason to use a stack menu is if you want some kind of custom display, like using images instead of text lists, for instance. Stack menus are fiddly and rarely needed.
> LC separates out the properties it thinks belong to a button of a certain "type" (even though all buttons can be any style.) So if you aren't looking at a particular style it thinks should have those properties, they aren't displayed. You'll see those two if you are editing a push button.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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