Password protection in non-commercial 6.0.1

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Thu May 2 05:28:19 EDT 2013

On 05/02/2013 11:37 AM, René Micout wrote:
> Le 2 mai 2013 à 09:31, Richmond <richmondmathewson at> a écrit :
>> I donated my "widow's mite" having read all the small print (think Gene Wilder in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), and if you didn't you, quite frankly, have only yourself to blame.
> Dear Richmond,
> This is good for people speak really good English ! But for other people… it is more difficult…
> Can you give me a French version ?
> ;-)
> For me, the French juridical jargon is difficult to understand… Then (So ?) in English…
> Bon souvenir de Paris
> René

En clair: Vous etes un fou si vous n'avez pas lire le licence!

Toujours gai, Richmond.

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