Set the Finder icon of a stack?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Mar 2 18:33:20 EST 2013

On 3/1/13 6:39 PM, Paul Hibbert wrote:

> Some quotes from the dictionary…
> icon
> Type: property
> Syntax:
> set the icon to {imageID | imageName}
> Platforms: Desktop, Server, Web and Mobile
> Summary:
> Specifies an image that is displayed in a button, or used as the desktop icon of a stack file or application.
> Examples:
> set the icon of this stack to kStackIcon
> set the icon to the myAppIcon of stack "Main Settings"
> Use the icon property to change a button's appearance, or to set the icon used for a stack or application in the OS X dock.
> Sadly none of this works for setting a stack icon as I would expect
> and I can't find a bug report on the RR QC pages, so if I'm not missing
> the point or doing something completely stupid I'll post it as a bug.

It works, but as it says, it only sets the dock icon. It isn't intended 
to change the icon of the application itself.

To do that, you need to replace the icns file inside the app bundle, and 
then use the shell "touch" command to update the Finder database.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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