Manipulating parts of a multi-dimensional array

Colin Holgate coiin at
Sun Jun 16 15:35:57 EDT 2013

On Jun 16, 2013, at 3:26 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at> wrote:

> >Suppose I only want to work with [c][x] and all its sub-dimensions. Is there an efficient way to extract that into its own array without looping through all the [c] keys?

Can you borrow b, work on it, then put it back? Like:

on mouseUp
   put "hello" into t[a][b][c]
   answer t[a][b][c]
   put t[a][b] into x
   answer x[c]
   put "goodbye" into x[c]
   put x into t[a][b]
   answer t[a][b][c]
end mouseUp

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