(OT) Software Patents and computer based instruction

Timothy Bleiler bleiler at buffalo.edu
Tue Jun 4 14:03:55 EDT 2013

Since there's been some discussion of software patents, I thought some  
of you in education might be interested in this.
Take a look at these patents from a company called Knowledge Factor. I  
can't believe any of these were granted. The patent process is clearly  
badly broken.

http://www.google.com/patents/US6921268 Method and system for  
knowledge assessment and learning incorporating feedback
http://www.google.com/patents/US8165518 Method and system for  
knowledge assessment using confidence-based measurement
http://www.google.com/patents/WO2012112389A1?cl=en System and method  
for adaptive knowledge assessment and learning

List of all patents from Knowledge Factor

Tim Bleiler, Ph.D.
Instructional Designer, HSIT
University at Buffalo

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