boundingRect and scrolling

Monte Goulding monte at
Mon Jul 22 00:29:15 EDT 2013

Does anybody else wish that a group with boundingRect set could still scroll?

boundingRect is one of those properties I always struggle with whenever I think I need it then usually end up setting it to empty and setting the lockLocation of the group to true. One thing that puzzles me is why it's not just a boolean clipToBounds/clipToRect indicating that if you change the rect of the group the objects in it should just be clipped. The other is why when one of the useful things for it to do is allow scrolling of the unlocked group it doesn't. Perhaps it needs a paired boolean property scrollToFormattedRect or would just adding scrolling to groups with a boundingRect be backwards compatible?

Anyone else have thoughts on this?


M E R Goulding 
Software development services
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

mergExt - There's an external for that!

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