Catastrophic Hard Drive Failure, Economic Hardships and Dual Survival

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jan 25 14:40:35 EST 2013

On 1/24/13 7:50 PM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
> Monte,
> You are too kind. This truly did make me smile today. This list is
> truly amazing. Thank you all for the positive feedback, it helps a
> lot...

I've been really touched by all the posts here. I want to make you smile 
too, but all I can think of is to send you some of our artic air in a 
sealed box, so that you can appreciate just how good you have it where 
you are -- unless you're in Canada.

BTW, it has also been my experience that the worst catastrophes in my 
life have opened doors to even better things. I've told people that for 
years and it is true. The one exception was the hard drive crash I had a 
couple of years ago where I didn't have complete backups. There was 
nothing at all redeeming about that, and I know exactly how you feel -- 
except that you still have all your data, which is great. That 
experience left me with the understanding that there is only one 
explanation for some events: sh*t happens, and sometimes it happens to you.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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