Mundane stuff - duplicate stack problem

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Tue Feb 26 16:31:59 EST 2013


I feel a bit of a rat asking this list an ordinary question at this time. I'm just as excited as anyone else, but I'm trying to keep calm... I have an odd problem concerning a desktop app, being developed on a Mac with LC 5.5.4:

I'm using the well-known splash screen technique. have a template of my data stack (with substacks) in one part of my filing system, and I put a copy of this stack into a different directory when the program initialises. I don't use 'clone' to do the copying because 'clone' doesn't seem to copy substacks. I simply do a copy as in

put URL ("binfile:" & tTemplatePath) into URL ("binfile:" & gdataStackPath) 

This works. Now if I quit LiveCode completely then reload it, then restart the program (in the IDE) with only my splash stack present, when the splash stack tries to open the data stack (which of course in structure and naming is identical to my template stack) I get a warning that the template stack is already open and is clashing (has the same name, tho not the same filename) as the stack I'm trying to open. But up to the statement immediately before my script's attempt to open the data stack, the openStacks shows only my splash stack. AFAICS there's nothing in the data stack that would attempt to reload itself, so what's going on?

Any suggestions welcome. Maybe I'm just too tired, but I can't see it.



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