[OT] Reminder: Programming Livecode for the Real Beginner almost sold out

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com
Thu Dec 5 06:58:20 EST 2013

Hi everyone,

It would be a real shame if you are planning to buy the book Programming 
LiveCode for the Real Beginner" only to find out that it is no longer 

Currently we have 2 dozens of books left. We will ship all remaining 
orders on 12th December. This will be the last shipment of the year. 
Read all about it at http://qery.us/41j

Kind regards,


Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
KvK: 50277553

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Buy my book "Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner" http://qery.us/3fi

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