revEnvironmentDistributionPath() ?

Monte Goulding monte at
Mon Dec 2 22:45:14 EST 2013

On 03/12/2013, at 2:40 PM, Thierry Douez wrote:

> Umm, it looks like it is the full path of livecode exe.
> Otherwise, not a special context.
> it's the stack coming with the externals tool settings.

Here's the implementation in 6.1.3 stack Home:

-- Deprecated Path Functions

function revEnvironmentPreferencePath
   return revEnvironmentUserPreferencesPath()
end revEnvironmentPreferencePath

function revEnvironmentPreferencesPath
   return revEnvironmentUserPreferencesPath()
end revEnvironmentPreferencesPath

function revEnvironmentCachePath
   throw "Component has attempted to use a non-existant environment path function: revEnvironmentCachePath"
end revEnvironmentCachePath

function revEnvironmentSupportPath
   throw "Component has attempted to use a non-existant environment path function: revEnvironmentSupportPath"
end revEnvironmentSupportPath 

function revEnvironmentInstallationPath
   throw "Component has attempted to use a non-existant environment path function: revEnvironmentInstallationPath"
end revEnvironmentInstallationPath

function revEnvironmentDistributionPath
   throw "Component has attempted to use a non-existant environment path function: revEnvironmentDistributionPath"
end revEnvironmentDistributionPath

M E R Goulding 
Software development services
Bespoke application development for vertical markets

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