Wildcards ???

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 02:49:41 EDT 2013

On 08/27/2013 05:53 AM, Kay C Lan wrote:
> If you really want to do Search & Replace based on patterns, you could
> write your own script in LC using matchText() but it would probably be
> faster and easier to confirm that correct replaces were taking place if, on
> OS X, you used the FREE TextWrangler & grep:
> http://www.barebones.com/support/Textwrangler/updates.html

Thank you! I "know and love" TextWrangler, having used it ever since the 
demise of the
free version of BBedit, and having used that since about 1998.

On a Mac that's great; but, with the exception of some very 'focussed' 
work, I do all my stuff
on Linux, and, as yet, am unaware of a Linux equivalent to TextWrangler.

> You'll be glad to know that this link takes you to where you can download
> older versions, including PPC.
> Write a simple script to repeat through all the objects of your stack and
> if their script is not empty then output the object long name* and it's
> script to a single file. Open in TextWrangler and a quick grep will have
> all those replaces done in no time. Although it does have a 'Replace All'
> option, when it comes to scripts and other important data I always step
> through each and every replace - I'm always amazed how often there is a
> case where it idenfies text to replace but it's the odd man out and I don't
> want it replaced. The only gotcha, which I'm sure you're well aware of, is
> that all those parentheses must be be escaped - standard grep stuff.
> You could even write a simple script to read the amended file back into LC,
> Repeat for Each Line, matchText(a line that clearly is an object long name)
> then read in the script until you get to the next long name, then set the
> script of the previous long name* to the lines you've just read.
> * Not that you wouldn't do this, but more for any newbies reading; before
> doing this, duplicate your stack, Close and Remove from Memory the original
> stack, then do everything with the duplicate, then the long names will all
> correlate correctly.
> All pretty basic LC stuff for a man of your scripting talents :-)
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 1:19 AM, Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On 08/26/2013 07:34 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
>>> See the documentation for the 'filter' command.
>>> In its current incarnation, that command uses 'wildcard' expressions to
>>> decide which lines to retain and which to discard.
>>> HTH,
>>> Jan Schenkel
>>>    =====
>>> Quartam Reports & PDF Library for LiveCode
>>> www.quartam.com
>>> =====
>>> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."
>>>   (La Rochefoucauld)
>>>   ______________________________**__
>>>> From: Richmond <richmondmathewson at gmail.com>
>>>> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com**>
>>>> Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 6:14 PM
>>>> Subject: Wildcards ???
>>>> "The find and replace was always using wildcards() even when Use Regular
>>>> Expressions was false. The find
>>>> stack has been updated to allow users to choose the type of search from
>>>> Regular Expressions, Wildcards or
>>>> Plain Text."
>>>> What symbols must one use for a wildcard?
>>>> Richmond.
>> The reason I asked this question was because I had to do a socking great
>> search and replace
>> through about 5000 lines of code:
>> Yes, you guessed it; Richmond's "Devawriter Pro" won't go away; it just
>> gets bigger and groovier.
>> Now I had all sorts of 'horrible' bits to search for and replace and
>> Livecode didn't do "very well"
>> (coded way of saying something fairly negative) with searching for phrases
>> that had lines breaks in them.
>> I ended up doing everything in LibreOffice (bloody-minded), which was OK
>> as far as things went,
>> but Wildcards weren't in it.
>> Certainly I would like to be able to search for the following sort of
>> phrase:
>> set the unicodeText of the selected to ((numToChar(*)) & (numToChar(*)) &
>> (numToChar(2325))
>> in such a way that I can replace:
>> ((numToChar(22345)) & (numToChar(66778)) & (numToChar(2325)) with
>> ((numToChar(22345)) & (numToChar(66778)) & (numToChar(4444))
>> and
>> ((numToChar(99887)) & (numToChar(11223)) & (numToChar(2325)) with
>> ((numToChar(99887)) & (numToChar(11223)) & (numToChar(4444))
>> that is to say, that the wildcard bits remain unchanged.
>> Richmond.
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