AW: Corrupted Stack

Joe Hamburger abilitybf at
Tue Aug 13 08:33:45 EDT 2013

Hi Again,

I'm self taught with LiveCode and not very experienced. I don't understand the Throw/Catch concept so I've never used it. I also don't know what unicode is.

Thanks for the input Tiemo. I exclusively use Macs. So that was a nice try, but unfortunately not the answer.

First some background. I'm using LC to run my printing business. I set up one stack for all the reports with each card being a different report. Would it be better to have each of these reports in a separate one card stack?

Once I know the answer to that, I'll re-create my deposit card either in a separate new stack or start a replacement card in my report stack.

Jacqueline, when I try to post a new deposit or invoice to my list of invoices stack from my reports stack I end up with LC quitting without saving. It goes to the desktop without a spinning beach ball.

Sometimes, but not every time, I noticed the stack name changed to add the umlaute Tiemo spoke of.

Here's another symptom I've had for a long time. Whenever I change something with the inspector, that becomes the top stack and I have to refuse to save it. I don't think that should ever happen.

I apologize for this being such a long email. I'm so glad this resource is available for non-professional coders like myself.

Orlando, FL

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