"this me"?

Timothy Bleiler bleiler at buffalo.edu
Thu Aug 8 09:01:22 EDT 2013

This is an interesting discussion. For my 2 cents worth, I'm currently in favor of 'the effective behavior of me' but I'm curious why it's needed.

What circumstances require a means of determining the control that provides the behavior script? Since behaviors were introduced, I've always thought of them as a flexible way to extend a script. In that case, any reference to "me" is specific to the control with the attached behavior and you can safely use "me" to refer to the control using the behavior script. I haven't thought of any reason to refer back to the control that provides the behavior script.

So, to the extent that it might effect preferences for the syntax, what are some examples of how this would be used?

Tim Bleiler, Ph.D.
Instructional Designer, HSIT
University at Buffalo

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