Blocking COPY ???

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Mon Apr 29 13:38:14 EDT 2013

On 04/28/2013 09:43 PM, Paul Hibbert wrote:
> Didn't we have this discussion a short while ago?
> I tried Jacque's suggestion and (after removing the 'pass copyKey') it worked fine in a standalone, just not in the IDE…
>> On 3/31/13 3:07 PM, Richmond wrote:
>>> I am aware one can do this:
>>> on copyKey
>>>    answer "nice try, chum"
>>>     pass copyKey
>>> end copyKey
>>> although, on Macintosh it does not stop command-C working!  and the
>>> answer dialog doesn't appear!
>> It should work in a standalone or if you suspend the IDE. The IDE traps and uses it during development.
>> -- 
>> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
>> HyperActive Software           |
> Paul
> On 2013-04-28, at 11:09 AM, Richmond wrote:
>> I have a fantasy (???) and would like to implement something like
>> this in either sa stack or car script:
>> on copy
>>    don't
>> end copy
>> or something like this:
>> on copy
>>   set the clipboardData to "No Luck Chum"
>> end copy
>> this would be a way to block all the multiple ways of copying text end-users have in a Demo.
>> but of course as soon as I write a script with "on copy" the thing throws a wobbly.
>> Richmond.
>> _______________________________________________

Now, in my 'thang' I have a series of buttons (one on each page - big 

that contain scripts something like this:

on mouseUp
   copy fld "crapToBeCopied"
end mouseUp

so copying can be done by end-users without recourse toa physical copyKey

now how would : block that copying actions without having to disable 
every blasted button
but editing code?


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