Strange compile error

Peter Haworth pete at
Thu Apr 25 14:59:36 EDT 2013

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:46 AM, J. Landman Gay
<jacque at>wrote:

> The menu item will be something like "my item". There won't be an ID for
> "my item". There just may be an ID for control "my item". ;)
> getPropertyValues the long ID of control pitemname of group "TestControls"

Hi Jacque,

Adding "control" worked but I'm still puzzled as to the issue for a couple
of reasons.

pitemname is guaranteed to contain the abbreviated name of a control in the
referenced group since that's how I populate the menu.  Shouldn't this be
something that's checked at run time rather than compile time?

Also, I could swear I've seen runtime errors with constructs that like
"control tVar" where tVar contains an abbreviated or long id/name, u.e. one
that starts with a control tyype.

Anyway, thanks for the solution

lcSQL Software <>

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