SciTopia: LiveCode in Science

François Chaplais francois.chaplais at
Sun Apr 21 18:11:25 EDT 2013

Sources for BLAS can be found at
It is in Fortran and is the successor  of LINPACK on which the early MATLAB
was based.
It is most probable that BLAS has been optimized and is present in your platform OS.

My field of interest is applied mathematics, notably for engineers. The objects I consider are generally continuous and differentiable.

One has to know that in the end, most of nonlinear problems will be solved by solving a sequence of linear problems
a) if you want to solve nonlinear (but differentiable) equations, chances are that you will end up using the Newton method, which is a succession of linear problems
b) if you do optimization, many algorithms can be expressed as solving a succession of least square problems (which is a linear problem).

So, if you can solve linear problems, you can solve many other problems.

I am interested in Livecode for two reasons:
a) if you look at the price of a Matlab license, it is prohibitive
b) Livecode has the GUI and object hierarchy included from the start, with a nice language.

By contrast, building a GUI in Matlab is a PITA.

Best regards,

Le 21 avr. 2013 à 17:08, David Bovill a écrit :

> Thanks Francois - sorry about the old email address. I'll look into porting
> the BLAS library<>,
> will need to get a quote on how much it would cost - so if anyone is
> interested in doing the work - and doesn't mind sending in a quote that
> would be incorporated in the funding bid - great.
> Francois - out of interest what sort of applications would you be
> interested in developing, and why would you use LiveCode for this?
> NB - my interest specifically is in graphing, semantic networks, and
> generative landscapes. More generally we are looking at science simulations
> and games. I've been doing some work on a training simulation for A&E
> Departments, which we'd like to take forwards with this project. Another
> project partner is interested in 3D structures of Dendrimers and similar
> macromolecular structures. Project partners would get access to the shared
> resource or programmers and designers. International collaborations are
> welcome, as are commercial companies that are seeking to build commercial
> apps that utilise open content in some way.
> On 18 April 2013 21:54, François Chaplais <
> francois.chaplais at> wrote:
>> I would like very much to be able to do applied maths on it, but the would
>> require stricter typing of objects to be able to implement the IEEE
>> standard on number representations. For starters, an port of the BLAS
>> library, which includes routines for linear algebra and linear problem
>> solving would be useful. Also, support for 64bit and Cocoa on the mac would
>> be welcome, this a well needed update on the writing and building of
>> externals, notably with decent support of multicore processors.
>> Until then...
>> Best regards
>>        François
>> François Chaplais
>> MINES ParisTech
>> Centre Automatique et systèmes
>> Ecole des Mines de Paris

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