[OT] New pricing

Georges Malamoud malamoud.public at free.fr
Tue Apr 9 03:12:59 EDT 2013

Thanks for all the exchanges on this subject. 
I understand now that what I said in the first post in this thread is wrong, and I am thrilled.

> - I can use the community edition on all platforms for free and open
> source apps (except iOS because it is forbidden to publish an open source
> app on App Store)

So several things should be done if we want lots of open source apps on the App Store, and these should be "advertised".

As suggested on this list, the app author must provide the source code of its stacks on a separate server : private, sourceforge and/or - better - run by RunRev using LC technology. This server could then also provide links to LC community sites, so that anybody can play with the source code. Of course, with time, we could see a lot of such servers for similar neds, managed by communities (education, linguistic,…), but a reference server could be handy and could demonstrate LC capabilities to manage such servers !

RunRev could establish such a reference server, providing also links for downloading the community edition, marketing materials, GPL license and statements allowing people to publish also on the App Store. 

Regarding the App Store, would it be useful if Runrev makes a public statement to Apple stating that all stacks created with the community edition of LC are covered by the GPLv2 license (or something else) and that as the owner of the rights of the former proprietary edition of LC, they are allowing these apps to be published and will not fight against them ?

Of course, we can also wait for the first problems, if there are any, or just hope that there will never be one. But it would be a smart move from RunRev to protect the open source app authors with such a mechanism.

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