Need suggestions: very start of a stack revision system.

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Sep 18 16:27:38 EDT 2012

With the growing number of tools that can be useful across a collection 
of stacks that may comprise an application, I finally got around to 
kicking off a discussion at the Rev Interoperability Project forum with 
a proposal for the community to define a Project Definition spec.

As I see it at the moment, this might be as simple as a list of stacks, 
externals, and other files that comprise a given application, probably 
best stored as a custom prop in the mainstack of the app's stack file.

If all of us who make such tools used a common place and format for 
storing that sort of data, our users can mix and match tools to create 
workflows in which the value of the tools may exceed the sum of the 
capabilities of each one.

The forum is here:

I have a busy schedule this week prepping some client deliverables, so 
please be patient if it takes me a day or so to approve your registration.

If you run into any notices about being "banned", that may be a 
side-effect of some older IP-based filter I put in place to stop the 
flood of robots that were destroying the site, so just drop me an email 
with your IP address and I can resolve those.

But I've already removed most IPs that are likely to come into play with 
legitimate users, so log in, roll up your sleeves, and lend a hand 
defining this spec.

Thanks in advance for your participation in this community initiative -

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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