iOS simulator closes right after opening of app

Christophe Leske info at
Tue Oct 30 09:33:48 EDT 2012

Am Tue Oct 30 14:28:00 2012 schrieb Colin Holgate:
> Welcome!
> Not sure where you got Xcode 4.5.5 from, the latest prerelease one I can see is 4.5.2, and when I get prerelease ones I tend to keep the existing release one installed too, which would be 4.5.1.


my fault, I got indeed 4.5.1 (downloaded from the app store).

> In Xcode Preferences there is Downloads section, where you can download older SDKs for it to use.

Yes, I found that and that got me going with the 5.1 simulator.

> To use The latest Xcode you want to make sure you're using the release version of LiveCode 5.5.3. Earlier versions did give the symptom where the app would open and then immediately quit.

Ok, so this is where I get uncomfortable, as I am just a normal paying 
I got 5.5.2 here - in order to get access to the latest LiveCode 
Version, i am supposed to subscribe to a developer's program?

I find that to be quite daft after having paid 500€ in order to get the 
software license!

Christophe Leske

---------------------------------------- - info at
Hohler Strasse 17 - 51645 Gummersbach
+49(0)2261-99824540 // +49(0)177-2497031

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