WINE 1.5.15

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Sat Oct 13 04:03:17 EDT 2012

For those of you who like a "walk on the wild side",
I just downloaded WINE 1.5.15 onto one of my Linux boxes.

Knowing that WINE isn't good with PNG images and layering in general
I tried the Windows version of RR/LC 4.5 and . . .

Lo and behold, all the graphics of the IDE are now fully visible, rather
than those ugly black patches one could see previously.

"The Wine development release 1.5.15 is now available.

What's new <> in this release:

  * Full support for layered windows.
  * New version of the Gecko engine based on Firefox 16.
  * Support for broadcast sockets used by networked games.
  * Downloaded add-ons installers are now cached.
  * Support for persistent Internet cookies.
  * String optimizations in JavaScript.
  * Various bug fixes. "

Whether this is a result of bullet point #1, #2 or a combination of the 
2, I don't know.

This means that anybody who wants a "quick-n-dirty" idea as to whether
their Windows standalone authored on Linux or INTEL Mac has a chance
of running on Windows can find that out before they rush out and spend
buckets on a full Windows rig to do proper testing.


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