[ANN] Background task execution external for iOS

Andrew Henshaw henshaw at me.com
Wed Oct 10 07:26:31 EDT 2012

Looks good,  and right on time for me!!!

Just finishing an app that uses the dropbox external and the biggest pain was the app shutting down on the users request and not completing the dropbox backup.  This looks like the external for the job!


On 10 Oct 2012, at 04:26, Monte Goulding <monte at sweattechnologies.com> wrote:

> Hi LiveCoders
> This morning Guglielmo emailed me asking if the background task execution external that I had discussed on the developer list a while back was available. RunRev don't officially support apps that don't quit on suspend at the moment so I hadn't released it. After Guglielmo's request I decided to release with a note that it should be considered experimental. It's now available for purchase and download from mergExt for $29 (or as part of the suite). There's still a few weeks left to lock in the current pricing and I plan to release at least one new external every week in that time.
> Here's a youtube video of the external in action including how to delete the exits on suspend key from the plist which may be useful to some even without the external: http://youtu.be/8qrnVGJ7lFA
> Cheers
> Monte
> --
> M E R Goulding 
> Software development services
> Bespoke application development for vertical markets
> mergExt - There's an external for that!
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