iOS (and Android) - register to open certain file-types?

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Mon Nov 5 13:01:01 EST 2012

On 02/11/2012 20:40, Monte Goulding wrote:
> Refer to this for the plist changes you need to make:
> To edit the plist you need to find it inside the LiveCode app bundle.

Thanks Monte, that works.

For the benefit of future thread-readers, some tips it took me a while to 
figure out:

a) The above linked doc from apple refers to adding a CFBundleDocumentTypes 
array to your plist.   In the plist for a MacOS application, a 
CFBundleDocumentTypes array can include CFBundleTypeExtensions array listing 
file extensions.  However, using that same array in the iOS plist doesn't 
work.  Instead, you need to add a UTExportedTypeDeclarations array to the 
plist, which links file extensions to UTTypeIdentifiers; then you can add the 
CFBundleDocumentTypes array with a CFBundleTypeName referencing the 

b) If you do all that - then the other bit you need to know is to handle the 
"urlWakeUp" message - that's where your iOS app will get the file reference. 
Fortunately, Monte introduced me to that message just a couple of days ago on 
a separate thread!


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