Upgrade to Lion

Tim Jones tolistim at me.com
Tue May 29 22:27:02 EDT 2012

On May 29, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Igor de Oliveira Couto wrote:

> I've noticed some people complaining about Time Machine in this thread.


> Before the days of Time Machine, we used to have Retrospect in our office, backing up to external drives. Let me assure you: recovering your lost work was *never* this easy.
> So, in my case, I am quite thankful for Time Machine. 

I agree that Time Machine can be a life saver is you have nothing else, but do have something else - I use BRU and DAT-160 or LTO-5 tape.  I can find any file that I need (or an entire volume) in the same time it takes to scroll through outer space to locate things I'm looking for in Time Machine, and BRU only backs up what I explicitly tell it to.  Oh, and BRU doesn't prompt me to use a disk or USB fob every time I plug it in :-).  I can take my home tapes to work and my work tapes home and I don't have to treat them like eggs.

But, that's the way I've done it for around 27 years...


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