iOS Splash Screen masks display

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Wed May 23 17:04:18 EDT 2012

I'm developing an iPad app which has an iOS splash screen (they all do), which AFAIK is there in order to show itself until the app is fully loaded. I am not sure how iOS knows that the load is complete, but anyway I seem to have a problem about this.

My app has two stacks: the first has a startup handler that sets things going but is not displayed, and then hands over to the other stack. When the splash screen goes away, I want to show a particular card (say Card1) in the second stack, wait a short time and then move to another card (Card2) to allow the user to start work. I found that if I put a script like this into the first card:

on openCard
  wait 4 seconds
  go to "Card2"
end openCard

then the splash screen stays around for an extra 4 seconds, and the first thing the user sees is Card 2 - Card 1 is never visible. 

What did I do wrong and how can I get the result I want?



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